The Lions' Den, Attorneys at Law

The Story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den

In 605 B.C., King Darius made a decree that anyone who prayed to God and did not worship the King would be thrown into the lions’ den as a punishment of death. Daniel was a strong believer and continued to pray despite these laws. His jealous coworkers caught him praying and told the King. The King did not want to punish Daniel, as he respected Daniel, but followed through with the law and punishment that he created. Thus, Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den at sundown. At sunrise, they removed the stone that enclosed the lions’ den and were shocked to find Daniel unharmed by the lions. The king felt manipulated by Daniels accusers and regretted his actions towards Daniel. He then punished Daniels accusers and they were thrown into the Lions’ Den, but unlike Daniel, they were eaten by the hungry lions.​

The Lions’ Den Philosophy

The name ‘The Lions’ Den’ is meant to be an analogy for people going through legal trouble. You may be persecuted by the law or in court but our goal is to help you come out of that conflict unscathed and unharmed. In addition, we will try to find justice for people in need and try to right the wrongs that were done to people. A Lion is a noble, respected, feared animal that can be really aggressive and strong when necessary. We hope to emulate the same respect as lions from our clients, colleagues, and opposition so that we may act with class, earn people’s respect, create fear in our opponents that are in the wrong, and to be strong and aggressive in court and negotiations when necessary.
