The Lions' Den, Attorneys at Law

“If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” - Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬

Welcome to The Lions’ Den

Intrygujące Zakłady i Szczęście: Tajemnice Polska Vavada weryfikacja konta.

na telefon Vavada dla zabawy to miejsce pełne tajemnic i emocji, które przyciąga zarówno doświadczonych graczy, jak i nowych poszukiwaczy szczęścia. Od lat legendy krążące wokół tego kasyna wzbudzają ciekawość ludzi z całego miasta. Jednak prawdziwa magia Wawada Kasyna kryje się nie tylko w jego reputacji, ale także w unikalnej atmosferze, jaka panuje na jego pokojach hazardowych. Wyjątkową cechą Wawada Kasyna jest profesjonalizm personelu obsługującego graczy. Doświadczeni krupierzy i kelnerzy dbają o to, aby każdy gość czuł się komfortowo i mógł skupić się na grze. To właśnie dzięki wysokiej jakości usługom oraz tajemniczej aurze kasyna, gracze z różnych środowisk chętnie powracają tutaj, by spróbować swojego szczęścia. Oprócz klasycznych gier hazardowych, Wawada Kasyno słynie z organizacji prestiżowych turniejów, podczas których zmagają się najlepsi z najlepszych. To wyjątkowa okazja nie tylko do rywalizacji, ale także do zdobycia specjalnych nagród i wyróżnień. Dla wielu pasjonatów hazardu udział w turnieju Wawada Kasyna jest nie tylko sprawdzianem umiejętności, lecz także szansą na wygranie tego, o czym marzyli. na żywo Vavada wyniki nieustannie dba o swoją renomę i stara się zaskakiwać swoich gości nowymi, intrygującymi propozycjami. Nie brakuje tu także ekskluzywnych promocji i bonusów, które dodatkowo motywują do gry. Dla wielu osób odwiedzających to miejsce, na żywo Vavada wyniki stało się symbolem luksusu, emocji i niezwykłej zabawy, które pozostaną w pamięci na długo po opuszczeniu jego progu. Szczęście i emocje towarzyszą każdemu krokom podejmowanym w na telefon Vavada jednoreki bandyta. Dla niektórych jest to miejsce, gdzie spełniają się marzenia, a dla innych prawdziwy sprawdzian umiejętności i strategii. Bez względu na motywację, która kieruje graczami, jedno jest pewne – na telefon Vavada jednoreki bandyta zapewnia niezapomniane doznania i wiele niespodzianek, które sprawiają, że powrót do tego magicznego miejsca staje się nieodpartą chęcią.
The Lions’ Den is a law firm and ministry of Jesus Christ that is based in Miami and serves Florida in Business Litigation and Immigration and New York with Immigration. We excel in state and federal trial litigation, state and federal appeals and we will petition the United States Supreme Court or the Florida Supreme Court if the opportunity arises. We have had many fraud and breach of contract claims. We excel in mediation, depositions, discovery and arbitration. We have a wealth of experience litigating against some of the most wealthy and powerful individuals and companies in the world and we have represented some of the most powerful companies and individuals in the world. We have had cases against Tesla, Universal Music Group, Miami Dade County, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and DaBaby. We have represented the Colombian Air Force, grammy award winning artists, professional boxers, NBA players, churches, talent agencies and universities. Our greatest legal strength is in client and case strategy. Each case and situation is different and requires a unique, tactical approach that carefully considers all of the variables affecting legal consequences. We contribute all of our strength and resources towards success, including our time, experiences, energy and intelligence. We utilize judicial, civil and administrative procedures to advance Client’s interests. Excellent legal strategy and attorney performance will increase recovery judgments or settlements, reduce the time for a resolution, reduce liability and avoid costs. With immigration, we focus on EB2 NIW cases and opportunities to receive a determination from USCIS in less than 45 days. We had a client that received an approval in three (3) days. What drives our success is that we carry an extremely unique Jesus-inspired Kingdom of God mindset as a law firm. We serve all people with the most grace, love and respect that we are capable of. We pray each day and move by the power of the Holy Spirit and know and believe that our firm, clients and cases will be blessed when we obey God. We have seen incredible miracles, signs and wonders and move by faith and not by sight. We have a team of brilliant, incredible people that will utilize their special gifts for you. Not all attorneys are equal. You need the best attorney because the cost of litigating, time, stress and other losses can be incredible. Aside from our Kingdom approach, Jonathan May was a communications professor for eleven years. He studied communications for seven years and then taught at the university level with sixteen universities for eleven years, teaching public speaking, persuasion, debate, leadership, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, mass communication and business communication. Applying communication knowledge and experiences directly impacts the firms ability to have success and, along with our Kingdom perspective, differentiates us from other firms and attorneys. Our services require a substantial retainer in advance and are billed at our hourly rate. Our hourly rates tend to be at the top of the Florida market in price but our value is excellent despite the hourly fee. We have a very limited client base. Our time with regards to taking on clients is limited so that we can service our current clients. If you or your company seeks to litigate a claim, you should have at least $100,000 in liquid funds prepared for your legal fees and an excellent credit rating. Cases with a value less than $250,000 likely won’t be worth the cost of litigating with our firm but we can review your opportunity for success via a prepaid consultation that starts at $300 for thirty minutes. If you would like to set up a prepaid consultation, please email with the basic details needed to assess and analyze your case.

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“If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”

Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭31‬ ‭NLT

Forma de Inmigración Estratégica

Form for Immigration Strategy in English

Forma de Inmigration Estrategica en Espanol

Form for Immigration Strategy in English

Forma de inmigration estrategica en espanol

Jonathan E. May, Esq., MA

Founding Owner and Attorney

Founding Attorney Jonathan May graduated from Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law. He is admitted to the Florida Bar (0110057) and is admitted to the Southern District of Florida, Federal Immigration Court (A41684), Federal Tax Court and Federal Bankruptcy Court. He has been recognized as a Superlawyer since 2020 and has received many legal advocacy awards including “Immigration Lawyer of the Year”, “Top 100 Attorneys”, “Top 3 Business Lawyers” and “Ten Best Attorneys”. Attorney May achieved a Master’s Degree in Communication Studies (scientific experimentation of communication patterns) and taught debate, persuasion, interpersonal communication and persuasion at the collegiate level. He is a natural born strategist and sought out competitive strategy activities all throughout his life.

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Legal Case Evaluation Form

BUSINESS Litigation
The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Business Litigation.
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Immigration Law
The Lions' Den provides a wide variety of legal services in with regards to immigration.
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The Lions' Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in international taxation and transactions.
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The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Family Law.
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The Lions’ Den will draft and assist in the execution of your will document. We offer to keep an original copy for our clients for a yearly storage fee.
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Entertaiment Law
The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Entertainment Law.
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The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Business and Corporate Law.
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The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Probate.
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Personal Injury
The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Personal Injury.
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Immigration Law
The Lions' Den provides a wide variety of legal services in with regards to immigration.
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The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Real Estate.
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Estate Planning
The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in the area of Estate Planning.
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Criminal Law
The Lions’ Den provides defense for the accused with regards to Criminal Law.
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Traffic, Civil and More
The Lions’ Den provides a wide variety of litigation options and legal services in many more areas than have been listed.
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“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”

Daniel 12:3

Business Litigation

Running a business comes with its own set of challenges, and when legal disputes arise, it can jeopardize everything you’ve worked for. Our business litigation services are here to safeguard your company’s rights, interests, and future. We provide expert legal representation and guidance for a wide range of business disputes, ensuring that your business remains protected throughout the process.

Our experienced team of business litigators is prepared to handle everything from contract disputes to partnership disagreements, intellectual property issues, and more. We are committed to resolving these disputes efficiently and effectively, minimizing the impact on your business operations.

When you engage our services, we work closely with you to understand the intricacies of your case and develop a strategic plan to achieve the best possible outcome. Whether through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation, we are with you every step of the way to ensure your interests are protected.

“God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬
