The Lions' Den, Attorneys at Law

National Interest Waiver Visa in 45 Days

This amazing opportunity is available to expeditiously seek permanent residence (green card) for you and your children through an application via National Interest Waiver. We believe this is the best opportunity that the United States has offered recently and we hope to guide you through the process. Success in this program will allow you to get a social security card and drivers license in the US and the freedom to travel outside the US temporarily.

If you engage our services and follow our advice, the United States guarantees you a response on your application in 45 days or will refund your expedited costs. We will simplify and clarify the process for you.

Applicants can obtain residency without the sponsorship of an employer and without having to undergo the cumbersome and lengthy labor certification process.

This opportunity is not likely to be available for long. We expect many people to apply and predict that this program will have limitations in the future. Immigration policies may change based on the political ideology of the President of the United States of America. Move forward now while you have this golden opportunity.

Form for Immigration Strategy in English

Forma de Inmigration Estrategica en Espanol

Additional Considerations for the National Interest Waiver Visa
  1. Available to members of professions who hold an advanced degree (or the equivalent);
  2. Must be seeking employment in the United States that requires an advanced degree (such as a baccalaureate degree plus five years of progressive experience in the field), plus the required job qualifications.
  3. No third-party financial sponsor necessary
  4. No job offer required
Under the legal standard created in Dhanasar, applicants must demonstrate the following three criteria:
  1. The applicant’s proposed endeavor has both substantial merit and national importance;
  2. The applicant is likely to advance the proposed endeavor; and
  3. It will benefit the United States
The Lions’ Den Process:
  1. Consult with The Lions’ Den
  2. Execute Agreement and Make Payment
  3. The Firm will provide documents and instructions for you to prepare and complete.
  4. The firm will prepare your file once all of the documents are complete and tasks are complete.
  5. We will send your package to USCIS
  6. USCIS will send a Notice of Receipt
  7. USCIS will respond in 45 Days if your follow our program.
  8. USCIS will either approve your application or seek additional information